Read what Brian's clients have to say...

I just played Riverbend. I relaxed and drove ball very well some pretty decent 7 iron shots too. Thank you.

Matthew M

My golf game continues to be up and down. On the positive side I shot and even par round a few weeks ago for the first time ever, which convinced me I have the ability to shoot under par, which I never thought was possible before.

Steve D

Shot 77 today......A couple of birdies, sandy save and just hitting the ball well. Good consistency with driver. Thank you.

Rich G.

Brian - played Granite Links today. Shot a 95. Best round of golf in my life. Thanks. Last few weeks have made a huge difference.

Ray B.

After our last lesson I played 3 times at Heather Hill, shot 42, 40 and 45. All better than previously.

Tom S

I played golf three times last week at Berkshire Hills and shot my lowest score ever, 88. I continue to play really well tee to green. Then on Friday, I played from the back tees and hit 50% of fairways (unbelievable improvement there), and 52% of GIRs. Great progress so far. I'll be reaching out soon to schedule another lesson. Thanks!

John S.

At long last, I shot a 96 today at Lakeville!!  You can take a lot of credit for it!  I am very excited. This is the first year I have REALLY enjoyed myself on the golf course and am so glad I stayed with it.  If you remember when we first met one of my goals was to break 100.  Thank you, thank you, thank you.

Shot an 84 at River Ben on a crazy windy day.  45 on the front and 39 on the back.  Made two birdies including a 35 footer. Also hit a bending up hill then downhill 20 footer for par.  My putting has been sick lately.  Still working on my driver but it's getting better.

Marques B

The new swing feels good. This is my best score ever. Hit it ok off the tee, had some issues but fixed them mid round through feeling it out. Thanks!

John S.

I'm hitting the ball between 20 to 30 yards further on average and my irons are further and straighter. Shot a 77 today at Olde Scotland Links. It was quite windy but it worked out.

Marques B

Shot 82 yesterday at TPC. Best score yet. Thanks.

David L

Playing my best golf ever recently...finally getting the inside out swing ...lots of fun. We are off to Bermuda in two weeks and golf every day.

Michael J

I just played my New England Am Qualifier; shot 72--looks like I am going to qualify.

Matt M.

I played twice shortly after our session and experienced great results.

What you pointed out in our initial session was that I was opening the clubface on my backswing… by concentrating on keeping the clubface square (to closed) on the backswing the clubface at impact was not wide open.  It made all the difference in the world.  I was hitting the ball much better with a totally different trajectory. Thanks for the help!

Sean S

I played Crestwood CC yesterday with a buddy of mine and I shot an 85!!! That's the best score I've ever had. My short game was good and I only 3 putted once. I'm driving the ball longer than I ever have and fairly accurate. I did hit a lot of thin iron shots though. Have a great 4th and I'll see you on the 11th. Let's keep progressing.

Andy S.Player

A huge thank you for your help with Corey's golf game. He made the team. He had a
fantastic 2nd day of tryouts. Tied with a senior & scored better than all the freshman but
1. He's beyond excited. Will be back in the winter to see you!!

Jodi C

Hey Brian - I shot 73 76 at Hornblower & tied for 40th; hit the ball a lot better than my score shows especially the 2nd day my putting killed me and then I played my practice round at Cranberry Valley...and I shot 67 today -5 hitting the ball great.

Matt M.

More good news! Yesterday Michael and I played in a charity golf tournament at Lake of Isles golf course at Foxwoods. Would you like to guess who won the prize for the longest women's drive? Your favorite student!!! I got a $50 gift certificate to the pro shop! Thank you again, Brian. Couldn't have done it without you!

Played the front nine this morning – hit the ball great.  4 pars, 4 bogies (had 3 legit par putts inside 10 feet) and one double (screwed up bunker shot on 7).  Swinging felt easy...

Best part – walking straight down the fairway every hole but the first hole. A different experience for me.  Thanks for your help.

David P

I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know I’m playing some of the best golf I’ve played in years. My last 5 rounds are 78, 75, 76, 76, 76. And I'm still not where we want to be in striking the ball!  But getting closer....

Long story short, the misses are just very manageable.

Thanks again and see you soon!

Rick D

Thanks again for meeting up with Cam. He was hitting his driver great he said and made the golf team! See you again!

S. Murray